Jack Thompson’s Bikepacking Adventure: Romania to Türkiye

We are so lucky here at Steadyrack to have an awesome team of inspirational brand ambassadors, and ultra-cyclist Jack Thompson is no exception, constantly pushing the boundaries and embracing adventure.  Earlier this month, Jack completed an incredible journey from Romania to Türkiye accompanied by his father, Brian. Read on to learn more about how the pair tackled this unreal experience.


Father & Son Tradition

For the past seven years, Jack and his dad have made it their tradition to take off on a cycling adventure, just the two of them. However, the impact of the pandemic definitely threw a spanner in the works and meant that their annual adventures were put on hold. Brian had already been on the road for 6 weeks, cycling from Paris to Romania, so Jack decided to join him for the final 10 days of the trip!

“It’s not everyday you get to ride with your dad through Romania, Bulgaria, and into Türkiye, so I locked time away in my calendar and we made it happen!”

Clocking The Kilometres

Jack’s dad, nearing 70, had already been riding for six weeks, and when Jack joined him, they covered 115km a day for 10 days! They of course added two rest days into the mix to explore the cities that they passed through. This trip wasn’t about covering crazy distances, however, it was still impressive and allowed them to enjoy the sights without rushing the experience.

The Hard Parts

All good things come to an end, and the toughest part for Jack wasn’t physical – it was emotional. He shared that saying goodbye to his dad at the end of the trip was the hardest part. Jack relocated to Spain five years ago, so he doesn’t see family as often as he would like to.

“When we’re together, it feels like no time has passed, but giving him a hug and bidding farewell at the end is always tough.”

Highlights on the Road

Of course, spending time with his dad was the highlight of the trip, however, there was one other memory that stood out the most for Jack. Passing from Bulgaria into Türkiye offered “Asian flavour”, Jack shared. There were roadside fruit vendors, street markets bustling with people, and an atmosphere so vibrant that it reminded him of his youth growing up in Perth, where he frequently visited Asia.

Türkiye Takes the Cake

Türkiye came in at number one as Jack’s favourite location on the trip. He fell in love with the friendly community, fun and colourful streets, and the delectable food. Jack and his dad only got to see a tiny part of the country, but he is determined to return and explore the eastern side.

Journey Prepping

Jack had just finished a month-long elevation challenge in July, so preparation for this trip was not really required, allowing him to enjoy the trip at a relaxing change of pace. Brian, Jack’s dad, handled most of the planning, while Jack packed his gear and got his bike ready, travelling light with just one bike box. Check out his bike check Instagram reel here.  He wore the same clothes every day, washing them each night, and lived simply.

“There’s a lot to be said for the simple life that bikepacking offers.”


We are proud to support riders like Jack and have loved following the 10 day adventure that him and Brian completed. It is stories like these that show the true beauty behind cycling and sharing these experiences with friends and family. Jack continues to inspire the cycling community with his endurance and commitment to his passion, and we can’t wait to see what is next!

To watch Jack and Brian’s adventure from start to finish, check out Jack’s daily vlogs over on his Instagram to see all the awesome trip highlights. Or, you can view Jack’s awesome Steadyrack setup and shop his collection!